Love continues to sound wonderful! And we will continue our study. What else is there to say about the sound of love? We’ll deploy two more “devices” to move this forward. 

It is obvious that love becomes almost secondary to our exercise with poetic devices. The “bookends” of ONOMATOPEIA and ALLITERATION worked well in tandem. The next pair to accomplish this feat are CACOPHONY and EUPHONY.

Again with the definitions:

CACOPHONY is the purposeful use of harsh sounds for effect. Could CACOPHONY tie in to ONOMATOPOEIA or ALLITERATION? It certainly could. But, we will attempt to separate the melodious from the CRASS!

EUPHONY contrasts CACOPHONY in that it uses flowing, smooth, harmonious sounds.It utilizes repeated vowel sounds and what are referred to as “liquid consonants” l (as in leopard) and r (as in radio).

In our discovery, we see that the “sound” aspects we use are more specific than just repeated letters or “noisy” words. 

For this week’s entries, take one of your poems from the first two weeks and rework it using a more purposeful sound device in CACOPHONY or EUPHONY. Of course, you may write a totally new poem using these as well!

The purpose for these “variations on a theme” is to give us a more detailed array of devices to use in our poems. As drafts of more polished pieces, they should come in handy when the PAD challenges come along specifically to write “love” poems.

Good luck with this week’s poems!


  1. Good morning! Just in time for my 35th wedding anniversary tomorrow! This one is for my darling Peder.


  2. Walt, your creativity knows no bounds. What a challenge! I’ll see what I can come up with, and look forward to what others do with this.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.” 1 Corinthians 13:1 (the love chapter)

    Love Language

    Oh to cut
    Vocal cords disposed to
    Calloused, critical
    Condemnatory disregard

    And replace with
    Sumptuously selfless
    Inspiringly reassuring
    Mellifluously fluent
    Language of love.

    © Marie Elena Good, 2015

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, good! Thanks Walt!


  6. “Greater love has no man than this – that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13

    For He
    was whipped, scourged, pulverized, cursed, crushed, tormented, slaughtered
    graciously, selflessly, munificently, freely
    for me

    © Marie Elena Good, 2015

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Ending Well

    His rejection kicked her in the stomach.
    Her heart broke, leaving jagged edges.
    Her soul vibrated with bitterness.
    She faked a smile and packed her baggage.

    He pursued her in the silvery moonlight,
    whispering his remorse in soothing tones.
    Romance danced rhythmically about her.
    as she slipped on the shimmering ring.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Some Days I Speak

    By: Nurit Israeli

    Some days I speak,
    so I see the soft silence
    of your listening
    welcome my words
    with enthusiastic,
    eager ears.

    Some days I speak,
    so the melody of
    your mellifluous voice
    fills me, as morning
    mist fills a blossom
    on a summery day.

    Some days, as I speak,
    you embrace wave
    after wave of my words,
    with delight onto your
    serene safe shore.

    Some days I speak,
    so my sentences soak in
    the luxurious elixir of your
    soul-stirring sweetness −
    your shimmering wisdom
    whispering wondrous words of love.

    * Walt, you are a master prompt generator! Your prompts are thoughtful, creative, and enticing. Thanks for this opportunity to rework a poem. I tried to make last week’s poem more euphonious.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. It Had Been Awhile

    She was busy waitressing
    with the hum of dozens of voices
    blending into a restaurant melody
    of dishes being layered and cleared,
    the flow of pouring drinks,
    the click- clack of heels
    and the silent shuffle of loafers…
    when an awareness ran up her spine
    and tickled her neck.
    She glanced around
    simultaneously hoping and dreading
    when green eyes met brown
    and the crash of a thousand dishes
    wouldn’t have been heard
    over the clamoring of her heart.
    Cliché? Perhaps.

    (Okay, so I wrote the above and realized it sounded and would indeed work as a paragraph in a romance novel. So I took the general premise and went back to the drawing board for what follows.)

    It Had Been Awhile

    The hum of a dozen voices,
    dishes being layered,
    mixed with the pouring of liquid life
    and the click-clack, flip-flop
    and silent shuffle of shoes
    soothed an aching heart.

    Awareness ran up her spine,
    tickled her neck
    but she didn’t look up.
    Dread if she was wrong,
    or hope if she was right –
    either way would
    be too much

    She stopped breathing
    when the life around her
    fell silent.
    She still didn’t look
    until she heard her name,
    from a voice
    long absent,
    even from
    her dreams.

    (Sigh. I think I’ve been reading too many romance novels lately. This still reads like a scene from one instead of poetry to me. I’m stopping here. I guess I have two rough drafts of some free verse poetry to play with, right? Which is one of the main points of this guild, right? Enough for now, I’m off to read more romance novels.)

    Liked by 2 people

  10. The Thrill of Young Love

    Flip-flop, flip-flop
    butterflies flit, flutter
    inside my stomach

    Eye to eye electric
    crackling, sizzling
    sound of first meeting

    What is he feeling?
    Reeling on my feet
    while soulful blues simmer

    He breaks the distance
    between us. Bump-bump-bump–
    heart pounding, I look

    up at him. He tilts my chin–
    a charmer. Soft lips press mine;
    our mingled breath sings, soars.

    Liked by 3 people


    Clearly, calamity comes
    a condescending accusation.
    Chaos keeps calling,
    falling closely to the cold concrete.
    Accidents happen,

    Liked by 4 people



  13. Just One of the Grating Sounds, For Me…

    It’s chip bag battle
    crinkle-crackle crisp? …Hassle
    Must love listen…to this?

    Copyright © Hannah Gosselin 2015

    I’m not sure I brought the devices to life very well here…I wanted to be sure to be here…it’s been busy with dad and kids home for vacation. Thank you for the opportunity to explore more with sound, Walt. Happy writing poets!

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Mon Amour

    Greedy, garbled, gluttonous game
    Want wastes words, barters with blame
    If love loses its first flame
    Lusting for self-satisfaction
    Sorrow slips from fingertips
    Forgiveness forges friendships
    Laughter lavishes love’s lips
    With ‘Mon amour’ attraction

    (I do not mind constructive criticism) Should I have included actual ‘sound sounds’?

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Hi! Here’s both kinds of sounds, served up in a tasty treat…

    Temptress of Cookies

    She proffers up a gilded plate.
    I wonder, could this be her bait?
    “Biscotti or a bourbon ball?”
    Surrender! I am in her thrall.
    “Taste this cantucci di Prato.
    Just one bite…” I’ve won the Lotto!
    Those Florentines! I can’t forestall
    surrender! I am in her thrall.
    She’s wicked. She’s a temptress. I’ve
    just never felt so – S’mores! – alive!
    Her schnecken’s my confection, y’all.
    Surrender! I am in her thrall.
    “Rochers à la noix de coco?
    Petit fours?” She drives me loco!
    She’s a Pfeffernüsse doll.
    Surrender! I am in her thrall.

    Inspired by a work of art by Alphons Mucha.

    Liked by 1 person


    yields harmony
    when euphony
    meets symphony

    and crash and clash
    subside at last
    and brutes that bellow
    become mellow fellows

    when love abounds
    and hate, confounds.
    Lets us mount mounds
    and sift soft sounds.

    Liked by 2 people

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