In February, under the guise of love we had explored the use of various devices to inject “sound” into our poetry. The results were wonderfully expressed and presented, giving us a broader scope of how poetry stirs the senses.

If you were to ask someone what a poem is, it would elicit a number of responses. As poets, we have learned that poetry can be found in pretty much any place we look. A laundry list could inspire a poem, etc.

But to a general reader, they may say a poem is something that rhymes. We work with words, but sometimes despise the use of rhymes, yet surely they are not less important nor effective as any of the sound devices we used in February. Rhymes are certain sounds that help convey out thoughts. In March, we will delve into the use and reason for rhyme.

So, what are rhymes? Rhymes generally are words that differ only on their initial sounds. Sounds like true and blue, or leg and beg. Looking at that, we find that some words do not have an English word with which it rhymes: orange, month, circle, purple are some examples. Even a word that poets use a lot in our work, LOVE, has a limited number of rhyme words. There are subtleties to the rhyming process. These will be dissected during March.

The first thing we will incorporate in our works are the placements of rhyme. We are familiar with end rhymes. These words obviously come at the end of our lines.

Initial rhymes conversely come at the beginning of the lines.

(Free xxxx xxxx xxxx.
See xxxx xxxx xxxx)

Medial (middle) rhymes are a bit more complex. They can be “internal”, a rhyme between a medial word and the end rhyme.

(xxx thou xxx cow).

A “close” rhyme is an internal rhyme between words that are in close proximity to each other, neither at the end of a line.

(Smug xxx bug xxx).

“Interlaced” rhymes are words that appear internally in two consecutive lines.

(xxxxx door xxxx,
xxxx floor xxxx)

Be mindful of these rhyme placements as we use as many instances as we can in our poems this week when we take time to rhyme. Any subject; any form! Good luck!

139 thoughts on “THE REASON FOR RHYME

  1. hurray, hurray! 🙂 Walt, you have taught me so much about rhyme in both in your writing and ‘classes’! Can’t wait to see what we learn.

    Sometimes rhyme can distract and lull
    The reader from experiencing a poem in full
    I’m sometimes a rhymer when I’d rather be
    Free-spirited, free verse, conformity-free
    But something within seems to grin and say
    Come here, my darling and rhyme, rhyme away

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Janet, thanks for the compliments. We will learn all we can about rhyme, and even if we decide we don’t like to rhyme, it will be at our disposal when necessary. That’s a great little piece with which to start us off!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Seconding that! Love your short, sweet piece, Janet! That last line just draws you in. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

    He can rhyme on a dime, for it’s just how he thinks
    all the time. It’s sublime! See, he lacks forty winks –
    Heavy eyed, the inside of his lids hold each verse
    where they hide, then decide to profusely disperse.
    Wish I had just a tad of this talent he owns.
    I’d be glad if we had myriads of Walt clones!

    Liked by 5 people

  5. […] REASON FOR RHYME This is a mess of wordiness but it does rhyme. […]


  6. I’m not crazy about end rhymes. I usually like internal or something more subtle.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. connielpeters

    Poeming on the Go

    Just a quick rhyme
    When I don’t have the time
    With the duo in the morning
    And the new day adorning
    In sunshine and snow
    We’ll soon be on the go
    Time to get some tea
    And breakfast for them and me.

    Liked by 6 people

  8. William Preston


    A fellow I know is a mighty good mime:
    he imitates folks most all of the time.
    To tell you the truth, I think he’s sublime;
    his whole entire body is one flowing rhyme.

    Liked by 6 people


    When people are small they will crawl with their all
    until they attain what their brain wants to gain.
    Once we are older, we’re colder to shoulder
    the blame or the shame when intentions are lame.
    It might be a sign to consign our decline
    to the child who stays mild when ruffled and riled.
    The stage of a sage isn’t tied to its age.

    © Susan Schoeffield

    Liked by 3 people

  10. […] for the 3/1/15 post at the Phoenix Rising Poetry Guild to write a rhyming poem on any topic in any […]


  11. […] THE REASON FOR RHYME – Exploring the placement of rhymes…I employed a few different […]


  12. I played with rhyme placement in this one. Thank you for all the variations you mention Walt and for the direction in rhyme as well.

    Happy rhyming poets. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Wonderland Wildness

    Alice showed no malice toward
    the red-faced Queen of Hearts.
    Roses had been painted red,
    Fuming, the queen said, off with her head,
    all besides the issue of those stolen tarts.

    The white rabbit was late
    so it was his fate
    to have tea time begin
    without him.

    The Cheshire cat had vanished,
    dormouse was clearly drunk,
    Hair and Hatter spoke gibberish
    leaving Alice in a funk.

    She’d grown too tall,
    shrunk too small
    after her fall,
    with no one to call,
    found herself sprawled
    on the ground near a wall.

    Alice sought advice
    from a caterpillar, smoking
    a device that blew letters in air,
    promptly setting her choking.

    Her curiosity caused a dream,
    that’s what the family said.
    When Alice woke under a tree,
    ow! a bump on her head.

    Alice kept her thoughts unspoken, smiling
    at a piece of broken mushroom, a token beguiling.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Nice rhyming summation. (and I do like the ending… thoughts unspoken, smiling – proof at least to herself)

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Moment-hulls

    What just a few short hours ago
    Was burgeoning and full
    Has dropped its petals to the snow
    Like autumn’s emptied hull

    There is no rewind button, oh
    No ‘redo’ or ‘retrace’
    When all is said and done, my love
    Our only hope is grace

    The after-math of moments, dear
    Flows far beyond our reach
    Their stumbles keep us humble with
    The lessons that they teach

    And were it not for tears that flow
    Our laughter would be dull
    Thus is the touch-taste-have-and-hold
    Of every moment-hull

    We cannot press into the pod
    The seed that falls away
    Each moment is a gift, to God
    The glory, come what may

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Masterpiece in the Making

    We crawl, sprawl, fall; thought’s ether hall
    Compels us to inspire touch
    And thus we dare to care, bear; share a prayer
    For all life’s broken shards and such

    We hope; grope faith’s impalpable rope. The slope
    Of future rising where
    Only thought, fraught with want’s intangible lot
    Climbs its phantom stair

    We breathe, bequeath to heaven’s unseen Hand beneath
    Our stumbling steps and pleas
    He holds, scolds, molds our folds of grays and golds
    Into His masterpiece

    Liked by 2 people


    By: Nurit Israeli

    Is this a memory, or is this a dream?
    Is this his laughter, or is this his scream?

    Is this hereafter, or still a before?
    Should I ignore it, or try to explore?

    Is this for real, or does he pretend?
    Should I contend, or is this the end?

    Does he displease me, or put me at ease?
    Is this a bliss, or a fatal disease?

    Trust it’ll be pleasure, or will it be pain?
    Just a bad measure, or is it a gain?

    Will it perish too fast? Is it going to last?
    Still a present to cherish, or already past?

    Would this be good, or could it be bad?
    Should I be happy, or should I be sad?

    Is he my soul mate, or only a friend?
    Is it too early, or is it too late?

    What should I do? If only I knew…
    Will it fall through? Should I bid it adieu?

    Yes… I guess… Unless…
    What a mess!

    * Thank you very much, Walt, for your creative, thoughtful, hard to resist prompts and for the opportunities to dissect, to incorporate, to learn, to improve… Truly appreciated!

    Liked by 3 people

  18. For Those Who Think They Drink Too Much…Ink

    Eventually we hit a funk
    Both Muse and magic go ker-plunk
    ‘I think I thunk too much’, Thought growls
    Word-drunk on consonant and vowels

    Liked by 4 people

  19. If case the weather forecasters are right and the next named winter storm pays us a visit, I’m ready for him.


    I don’t adore Thor. He’s a bore, and what’s more
    I deplore the sight of his might dressed in white.
    No delight do I know from this snow. It can go
    back to where I won’t care if it dares to ensnare
    with its not very nice slice of hard frosty ice.
    You’re a chore, Mr. Thor. Take your roar out the door!

    © Susan Schoeffield

    Liked by 1 person

  20. […] poem written for the 3/1/15 post at the Phoenix Rising Poetry Guild to write a rhyming poem on any topic in any form.  If the weather forecasters are right and the […]


  21. connielpeters

    A River

    A river carries me
    It’s choices that I’ve made
    Oh, who is in control?
    I’m helpless in its flow

    At times I feel betrayed
    And set adrift at sea
    Adrift, lost and alone
    And then the cold winds blow

    Oh, where is my reprieve?
    Am I a hopeless case?
    In this, I am set free
    In Him, I’ll be made whole

    A river carries me.
    Oh, who is in control?

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Connie, this is lovely!


  23. I have fashioned new skin
    Bulky and hot tattoo
    Layered to protect feelings within
    Methylene blue

    Sticks and stones bruise
    But quick judgment can also abuse
    Respect shrinks and hides
    What is the ultimate prize?

    Under my guise
    There is no need to compromise
    Who I am or where I’ve been.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Deduction

    Sherlocky spurlocky
    Benedict Cumberbatch
    plays the intrepid sleuth
    clever and smart.
    Bad guys and villains will,
    take on our hero but
    those he will thwart.


    Liked by 3 people

  25. I was having fun with what I started, and this is the result (thus far):


    A fella I know is a mighty good mime:
    he imitates folks `most all of the time.
    To tell you the truth, I think he’s sublime;
    his whole entire body is one flowin’ rhyme.

    He rhymes with his fingers and he rhymes with his toes;
    he even goes posing with a rose on his nose.
    I tell you, this bloke’s never in repose:
    he throws moves and music like a model shows clothes.

    If there’s a poets’ heaven, he’s sure to be there,
    chortling at the portals on the cusp of the air.
    He’s walking inspiration and the death of despair:
    a poem come to life with a lifetime to share.

    Liked by 3 people


    Another sunrise crests the treetops,
    another day to celebrate life
    expressed in words and rhymes
    and at times, a song or two.
    Memories of friends met and connected
    to, a slew of poems to remember them,
    to hold them in heart when their presence
    starts to fade. A parade of word warriors
    seeking to hold the flank and to thank the gods
    above for the love and guidance; a space dance
    of a free and easy spirit. The music of life plays,
    I hear it in every rustled leaf, in the coo
    of a newborn infant who can’t help but make it.
    I take it as another day of life afforded to me.
    I see the new dawning with fresh eyes.
    It is wise to greet each brand new day,
    breaking your own record; your personal best.
    All the rest is gravy!

    © Walter J. Wojtanik, 2015

    Liked by 1 person


    Man stands on the edge of the precipice to
    scan the horizons before him.
    Can he see a future in its vision?
    Fan the flames of tomorrow, the
    panoramic scene inspires you.
    Plan to keep moving forward, these
    random thoughts require you to!

    © Walter J. Wojtanik, 2015

    Phoenix Rising Poetry Guild – The Reason For Rhyme: Initial Rhyme

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Meeting You Again

    She put a nickel in a pickle
    and gave it to her love true.
    He ate the pickle and the nickel
    and now he feels a bit blue.

    He dropped a worm in her shirt and watched her squirm
    while he laughed full belly laughs.
    She continued to squirm until she dropped that worm
    plotting, and we’re not talking graphs.

    She dangled a carrot for that sneaky ferret
    hoping to trip him in mud.
    But he is a sneaky ferret and didn’t fall for her carrot
    leaving her seeing blood.

    Over time, she forgot the little slime
    as she blossomed into a beauty.
    And he, outgrew the slime, over time
    as he fought, doing his duty.

    She was dancing when she saw him advancing
    and recognition tickled her brain.
    He was advancing through the room when he saw her dancing,
    yanking his invisible chain.

    He cut right in and said, “I have a nickel, can I buy you a pickle?”
    as a slow grin spread across his face.
    She smiled and said, “I’d love a pickle but I have a nickel”,
    and she walked into his embrace.

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Truly enjoyed reading this, Pamela (and, yes, she is still at it, and if she wasn’t as beautiful as she is when all dressed in white, I would get even more upset…)


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