August seems to be the month around here that is brimming with things to celebrate. Six birthdays fill my calendar including my wife’s which fall on… today!

So I’ll ask you, what is your favorite thing to celebrate? Personal (birthday, anniversary…), National (Independence Day, Labor Day…), Global (Christmas, New Year’s Day…) Or maybe you can tell us how you celebrate! Any rituals or traditions attached? Give us a reason to raise our glass and join your festivities!

30 thoughts on “WHAT ARE WE CELEBRATING?

  1. Just celebrated my birthday suit. The best gift was two lips!! A celebratory kiss from the misses. And that’s all I needed.


    Two lips of wine

    a celebratory kiss

    is better than

    than a thousand

    bottles of Pinot Chardonnay

    Benjamin Thomas

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Family Reunion

    We gather in the summer sun
    Arriving crumpled from the trip
    And brushing off our jokes to quip
    We’ve no holds barred to having fun
    We spend our time while on the run
    Surrounded by our families
    We peel back time in memories
    And look ahead with joy and hope
    We know, with sisters, we can cope
    In next two years, the time will flee


  3. The Birthday

    It was his first birthday
    Party, and he was nineteen
    Guests brought gifts, feasted
    On favorites, and played
    Games – but he did not
    Take part, instead he
    Napped – silly old cat

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Celebrating Thanksgiving

    Fall is a festival
    of color and light.
    Russet, copper, orange,
    and gold–range of changing
    leaves. Earlier sunsets–
    crisp and cool–with scent
    of apples, and start
    of school, but not for me!

    All that is a prelude
    to November’s Thanksgiving.
    When family can be together,
    weather makes no difference
    at all. Food arrayed
    on the table is only a portion
    of what is important–all of us
    laughing at the same old stories,
    feeling ever-present love.

    (Happy Birthday to Walt’s wife!)


  5. William Preston


    dipped in honey
    start the celebration
    as sweetness and light cover all.
    Why not?


  6. Every day I wake
    I thank God I’m still alive
    I celebrate life

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Celebrating our anniversary. ❤

    Before the Sheets Could Breathe

    Our worries
    your heated
    breath sighed,
    and my fingers
    sweat traced
    condensation trails
    when in a sudden
    I felt
    my surging
    rain of laughing
    tears wash
    us both away
    in our cloud
    of cotton.



    I just want to celebrate another day of living.
    Dodged too many “bullets” and cheated death
    once to often. That I’m not in a coffin is a blessing.
    Each day is a gift, joyous in the knowledge that
    every life we touch and have touched will carry us
    as a stain on their fabric. The present of my presence
    is equally satisfying in the giving, for in it
    I receive in return a hundred-fold! Truth be told,
    I find cause to extol down to my very soul.
    Another day in the life of this fool – too cool!


  9. William Preston


    These big bangs
    would fain rival stars
    but each pop
    has to stop
    and shed luminescent fangs
    somewhere short of Mars.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. […] Phoenix Rising – WHAT ARE WE CELEBRATING? […]


  11. Just a lil’ tanka…thank you, for inspiration, as always… :)’s



    • That is so nice; it reminds me of a time in Utah, many years ago, when I saw so many stars, the familiar constellations disappeared in their midst.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, wow…that’s a lot of stars, William…sigh…I love that kind of starry sky…seems close enough to touch if one gazes long enough! Thank you, for your thoughts my poetic friend. 🙂


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